The Appendix and what it does.


The Appendix

I write about the intestinal tract often because it is the key to health. 70 to 80 percent of the immune system is located in the intestinal tract.  A healthy gut also helps one have a healthy brain. The amount of good bacteria in your gut is indicative of a healthy gut. The appendix is  apart of that system. Probiotics are a help, but prebiotics are necessary for a healthy gut. (See my video in Probiotics vs. Prebiotics on our facebook page or blog.)

The Appendix

One small organ has been looked at as unnecessary and has often been overlooked in the gut. However, the appendix has enormous function. We know now it should not be removed unless absolutely unnecessary. It has followed the same tract as the gallbladder. If there is a problem take it out. However, proper nutritional support for the gallbladder can often save the gallbladder.

Surgeons often remove the appendix in abdominal surgery just in case of the possibility of a future infection. But the most recent research shows us the appendix is a very valuable organ and has important functions. It is located at the end of the ileum before the large intestine. The placement of this is important to its function.

Function in Fetal Development

Around the 11th week of fetal development the appendix stores cells that are endocrine cells. Fetal development requires endocrine cells. They produce hormones that are necessary for the development of the fetus.

As one grows the appendix accumulates lymph tissue. The appendix will target foreign substances in the intestinal tract that are moving through and put the white blood cells on alert in order to deal with the invader. This is even more important in the case of patients with autoimmune disease. The appendix will then modulate potential destructive antibody responses.

Function in Adulthood

By about the 60’s, the immune system has been trained to deal with food antigens and foreign substances so that it can attack and defend the intestinal immune system. It is at this age that the lymph tissue is almost completely gone.

Interestingly the appendix also has a major role in maintaining a friendly intestinal microbiome. This is the friendly bacteria that are located in the intestine. The tissue that is in the appendix and the cecum is able to stimulate the growth of beneficial bacteria that protect the gut. The appendix stores beneficial gut bacteria and is the master of the intestinal microbial community. It is looked at as a safe house for the healthy gut bacteria.

Actually, one study recently found that patients that had C Diff were five times more likely to have a reoccurrence if they did not have an appendix. This certainly shows us that there is a large role for the appendix to play.

Appendix Complications

Unfortunately many times once the appendix has a problem it is too late and needs surgery. Acute conditions can cause this need for surgery. Common causes are epithelial debris, bacterial infection, impacted fecal material and even pinworms. During these times surgery will be needed.

We must protect our gut as it is the protector of the body. Increasing intake of dietary fiber is a must. Most Americans do not get enough fiber in their diet. This will increase the population of beneficial bacteria in the gut. It will also improve elimination and prevent things like pin worms from setting up a home in the intestine. Eating ferments foods can also be beneficial. Probiotics and prebiotics are a must and can help the appendix from not becoming dysfunctional.

In addition, I use a gut flora program to reestablish the flora. This helps the gut to establish a good amount of healthy bacterial. Click here for more on my services.


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